The St. Thomas Kinsmen & Kinettes are a diverse group of men and women of all ages and backgrounds that come together on a regular basis to "Serve the Community's Greatest Need".
Craft Beers, Sizzling Steak... In Memory of a Friend
As President of the St. Thomas Kinsmen, Matt Sharpe, an Account Manager with McConville Omni, suggested we support the club's Steak & Craft Beer Night event. And, we're so glad we did!
It was a fabulous event featuring 6 different Ontario Craft Beers to accompany a delicious steak dinner.
Matt runs this event in memory of a lost friend and club member. Cystic Fibrosis is a cause close to his heart – he lost another friend to Cystic Fibrosis 4 years ago, and has another friend who currently lives with the disease.
The donation from McConville Omni was used to offset the food costs for the event.
All proceeds from the event were donated to Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
Cystic Fibrosis Canada is a national charitable not-for-profit corporation established in 1960, and is one of the world’s top three charitable organizations committed to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF). As an internationally recognized leader in funding innovation and clinical care, the organization invests more in life-saving cystic fibrosis research and care than any other non-governmental agency in Canada.